
Puritan Gems; or, Wise and Holy Sayings of the Rev. Thomas Watson, A.M. is unavailable, but you can change that!

Concerned that many of the spiritual gems of wisdom scattered through Thomas Watson’s writings lay unseen in obsolete volumes, John Adey decided to create a treasury of the Wise and Holy Sayings of the Rev. Thomas Watson, desiring to make them accessible to the Christians of his time. Covering 44 topics—such as affliction for the faith, humility, fear of God, meditation, temptation, prayer, and...

is the working-time. A Christian hath no time to lie fallow:—“Work while it is called to-day.” There is ever some work to do,—either some sin to mortify, or some grace to exercise. “The night cometh, when no man can work.” A Sacrament day is the soul’s festival day; it flies to the ordinance on the wings of delight, like a dove to the windows. This ordinance, when partaken of in faith, hath glorious effects on the hearts of God’s children: it quickens their affections, strengthens
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